CCSI Cork Crowncap Database - Brewer/Bottler
Entered: 26 Mar 2023 20:55 - Jon Bailey - Modified: 26 Mar 2023 21:06 - Jon Bailey
 Brewer/bottler #15410
Name Sociedad Fábrica de Cerveza Andrés Ebner
City Santiago
State/Province Metropolitan Santiago
Country Chile
Type Soft Drink Bottler
Extra info Andreas (Andrés) Ebner Aussenhofer was born on January 11, 1850, in Lauingen, Bavaria, Germany, and studied brewery at the University, on the Weihenstephan hill, in Freising. He gets married in Chile, with Caroline Bielefeld Kaiser , whom he had met in Peru, and with whom he has 12 children. Andrés was Catholic and Caroline was Lutheran, when they got married they were married by both churches; and later his sons were Catholics and the daughters Lutherans.
In 1872, Ebner began his work as a brewing entrepreneur, in an artisanal way and perhaps working for other renowned brewers of the time. In 1875, Ebner formalized the Sociedad Fábrica de Cerveza Andrés Ebner. In 1878, he bought a brewery from the Koch family on the north bank of the Mapocho River, which had been founded in 1850 by Johann Valentin Koch , a German of Bavarian origin. After the fire in this factory, Ebner moved in 1880 to La Cañadilla 145, buying Adolfo Pohlmann , the La Estrella plant that already existed in the place. Between 1885 and 1888, the company expanded with the contribution of capital from his two brothers Juan and Antonio. After 1890, Ebner began to involve his children in the company, leaving the older ones to do administrative work. At the end of the same decade, he also sent his two youngest children to Heidelberg, Germany, to study brewing and acquire new knowledge on the subject in the old continent.
n December 1905 and afflicted with cancer, Don Andrés Ebner died . The company passes into the hands of his son Maximiliano Ebner Bielefeld , who shortly after sells part of the Factory, to the Gubler-Cousiño Society , a company from which the United Brewery Company (CCU ) would be born.
The Ebner company was innovative for its time, apart from having the first ice-producing plant in the country (50,000 kg. of ice-day), in 1902 it introduced the Bilz soft drink in the Chilean market . This non-alcoholic drink is created by the German naturopath, Friedrick Eduard Bilz , and marketed in Germany under the name of Bilz-Brause . Faced with so much imitation around the world, the German concoction changed its name to Sinalco (without alcohol), a drink that remains on the market to this day. In Chile it remained as Bilz , the formula and brand passed to CCU, with the sale of the company in 1916. Between that year and 1933, the plant continued under the administration of Mr. Arturo Ebner Bielefeld , one of the two youngest sons. The CCU kept the factory in full production until 1978, with the same name as the Ebner Factory. Finally, the industrial area of ??the factory was dismantled between 1981 and 1982.
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