CCSI Cork Crowncap Database - Brewer/Bottler
Entered: 29 May 2012 13:46 - Bob Burr - Modified: 07 Oct 2019 00:39 - Jon Bailey
 Brewer/bottler #4335
Name Carlo Erba S.A.
City Milano
State/Province Milano
Country Italy
Extra info The company was officially founded in 1853 by Carlo Erba , graduated in pharmacy at the University of Pavia and already active for many years in the Milanese pharmacy of Brera. Among the reasons for the foundation indicated by Carlo Erba himself was the desire to bring modern pharmaceutical sciences to Italy, which was then deprived of modern laboratories and almost isolated from scientific research at the time. The first nucleus of the company was a small laboratory, located near the pharmacy where he had worked until recently, equipped with various tools including a 4 hp steam generator that employed four workers.
In 1859 Carlo Erba decided to restructure the production on a large scale and expand its market outside of Italy: in 1860 , land was purchased near the current Via Solferino, where the new factories were built in 1864 Erba, who a few years later engaged 80 workers. The company's business continued to grow over the years: in 1880, the company's product range included more than 1700 different items, while in 1892 a new factory was opened near Dergano . In 1907 the company has 1200 workers and the production is divided into "pure chemistry", "pharmaceutical chemistry" and "industrial chemistry" lines.
Over the years the company's name changed first in Carlo Erba SA and then in Carlo Erba Spa and in 1946 its production ranges from the original pharmaceutical field to the food sector up to scientific instruments, and has several factories in Milan , Ozzano Taro and Grazzano Visconti . At the height of its success in the early 70s the company was very well integrated into the European and South American market, the company began a slow decline with the protest of chemical-pharmaceutical workers linked to the national collective labor agreement of the sector , which saw various changes in ownership until it was absorbed in 1993 by the Swedish pharmaceutical company Kabi Pharmacia. Currently the Carlo Erba brand is owned by Johnson & Johnson.
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Name 1 Carlo Elba S.p.A.
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